Friday, April 18, 2008

North American Union: Conspiracy or Cover-Up?

By definition, conspiracies are usually secret. There's nothing secret about right-wingers organizing to criticize the Clintons and their goals, and there's nothing secret about plans to morph the United States into a North American Union.

To see what the elites are planning, you don't have peek through keyholes or plant a spy under the table. Just read their published reports. The report explains that the three SPP amigos at Waco "committed their governments" to "Building a North American Community" by 2010 with a common "outer security perimeter," "the extension of full labor mobility to Mexico," allowing Mexican trucks "unlimited access," "totalization" of illegal immigrants into the U.S. Social Security system, and "a permanent tribunal for North American dispute resolution. [snip]

The elites, however, must be feeling the heat. Following the Hudson Institute's helpful suggestion to change the name of the Security and Prosperity Partnership, the fourth annual SPP meeting to be held in New Orleans on April 21 will now be called the North American Leaders Summit, and the promoters of the TransTexas Corridor are trying to change its name to "regional loop."

The white paper explains that SPP's "design" is for the executive branch to exercise full "authority" to "enforce and execute" whatever is decided by a three-nation agreement of "civil service professionals" as though it were "law." That means evading treaty ratification and even congressional legislation and oversight...


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