Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Greens Gone Wild and Jobs Gone, period...


In the latest installment of “Greens Gone Wild,” the governor’s appointees on the Air Resources Board have voted to reduce “greenhouse gas” emissions in the state to a maximum level of 427 million metric tons by 2020.

Since numbers like that have very little meaning without a reference point, consider this for perspective: Californians currently emit 500 million metric tons. That means that the economy will need to cut 73 million metric tons from its current level of emissions and then hold at that level until today’s kindergarteners are in college.

I don’t believe this figure includes exhaling, however. Thirty seven million Californians breathing produce an additional 13.5 million metric tons of carbon dioxide per year (at 2.2 pounds per person per day). Just a drop in the bucket compared to the 2.4 billion metric tons that 6.6 billion human beings exhale annually worldwide.

But since they’re presumably not telling Californians to actually hold their breaths, one way of reaching the brave new world is to convince people not to drive cars. According to the ARB, an average car produces about 28 pounds of carbon dioxide per day, so the ARB target can be reached by removing just 15.4 million passenger cars from service. California only has 24 million passenger cars to take off the road in the first place, but the goal can be easily met if just two out of every three Californians quit driving. This will require some enforcement activity, of course, especially to keep former car owners from cheating by substituting ox carts.

“Now the rubber is hitting the road,” said an ecstatic Karen Douglas, the director of California Climate Initiative for Environmental Defense. And it won’t be long before the economy is hitting the skids and something else hits the fan.

No need to worry about jobs, though. The Air Resources Board is hiring.


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