Monday, March 3, 2008

When Illegal Immigration Trends Converge

Public School Growth Driven by Illegal Immigration
From 1993-2003, a veritable wave of Hispanic students rolled into public schools, representing 64% of all new student enrollments. One particular sentence in the latest Pew Research Center population rings my alarm bell.

"Demographic change has major implications for government spending in key areas such as schools, health programs, community services, infrastructure and Social Security."
But that warning only lists implications for key areas of "government spending." What about the consequences related to unemployment, poverty, crime, housing, and public health? Big decisions in the lives of individuals and nations often bring unintended consequences - some good, some not. The full scope of negative consequences takes time to surface.

Future historians will ask,

"What were the nation's leaders thinking when they tacitly adopted an open borders policy that, in a relatively short period of time, dramatically altered the national demographics?"
Among answers offered will be these...


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