Monday, March 24, 2008

UN Says it needs 25% Boost in Funding

The United Nations says it needs more money - lots more. Citing increased demands placed on its peace keeping and nation building departments, the diplomats say they need $1.1 billion more:

They could probably find the extra money in the Secretariat. No one knows what the budget for the Secretariat of the UN might be. The last attempted audit found wasteful and duplicated departments throughout thanks largely to Kofi Anan. At a time when the UN is begging for more money from its major donors, perhaps it's time to root out the waste and corruption endemic to the UN before we give them another dime.

Bolton tried to reform the UN but was accused of not playing well with others, stepping on toes and riling the bureaucrats. Too bad. That kind of bulldog tenacity in going after the spendthrift Secretariat is just what we need right now.


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