Friday, March 21, 2008

Stop Blair: ambition to lead Europe hits fierce opposition

A "Stop Blair" website run by pro-Europeans has launched a petition against against a Blair ['EU'] presidency; senior officials in Brussels are privately dismissive about the new post going to a Briton; and senior diplomats in European capitals also doubt that Blair is the right person for the post being created under Europe's new reform treaty.

The Lisbon treaty now being ratified by EU member states creates a new post of president of the European council, representing and chairing summits of the leaders of the 27 member countries from the beginning of next year for a maximum five-year term. The president's role and powers are yet to be properly defined. EU ambassadors are expected to meet next month to try to come up with a job description.

[will Europeans get to vote on 'their' President or will that too (like ratification of the 'treaty' itself) be entrusted to politocrats? {SD: you know?}]


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