Tuesday, March 4, 2008

NYT Term for Eco-Terrorists: 'Anti-Sprawl Activists'

Opening paragraph from the New York Times article on the eco-terrorists who burned three new homes north of Seattle today [emphasis added]:

"For people who are anti-sprawl activists — or have baser motives — a new-built house sitting empty in a previously rural area evidently makes a ripe target for an attack by fire."

Consider also the article's headline "House Fires With a Message in the Northwest." Yes, think of it as a bonus. Not just a housefire . . . a housefire with a message!

Even the Associated Press manages to say it like it is in its article on the matter. AP headline: "Ecoterror Link Eyed in Wash. Fires"...

[why harp on the Times? Because it feeds its stories to more TV news channels than any other in the country - over 600 - who daily parrot whatever it prints]


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