Friday, March 7, 2008


Meaningful health care reform has to be national. But the answer is not to subject the whole country to ideas that don't work at the state level. What the country needs is a shift in priorities, from extending coverage to attacking costs.

Once that decision is made -- to make affordability, not scope of coverage, the first objective -- then there's a clear choice to make. Policymakers have just two options if they want to reduce the cost of something: They can stimulate competition or impose price controls.

Control is the norm in most of the world's health care. Competition is the insurgent model. It's getting a test in the Medicare prescription drug program, which actually has cost less than expected.

Congress created the current regulatory regime and could get rid of it, but the political climate would have to change first. Democrats will have to stop scoring cheap points by demonizing the insurance business. They'll have to recognize that insurers are part of the solution, not the problem, and that profit in health care is not a dirty word.


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