Monday, March 10, 2008

Canada to buy old German tanks as spare parts for Afghan mission

Ottawa - Canada plans to buy a handful of older, surplus German tanks to cannibalize for spare parts to keep its combat forces on the move in Afghanistan. The undisclosed purchase is apparently part of the $1.3-billion tank modernization [?] program (Snip) Part of the problem is that cuts to Canada's defence industry throughout the 1990s eroded its ability to service armoured vehicles.

[if you'd like to review a problem that truly approaches the definition of 'pandemic', this is it: the degree to which nearly all liberal-western countries having successively cut back on defense budgets to pay for ever expanding social programs has left them with near-dysfunctional militaries - certainly when it come to force projection outside their borders. I.e., they count on America for that now, and when China and Russia start causing trouble, don't expect there to be any 'help' available from our 'allies'.]


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