Wednesday, March 5, 2008

A Brash Proposal [for Israel]

... But every move of self-defense is condemned by the “international community” -- consisting primarily of Israel’s enemies and even a few countries who ought to know better. Does Israel attempt to take out the rocket lunching areas and those who man them with a few air strikes or a ground raid? That’s “disproportionate.” Does Israel administer a dose on non-violent reprisal such as lowering the amounts of electricity or fuel it sends to the Gazans? That’s “collective punishment” and “inhumanitarian” treatment.
(1) Make all retaliation indisputably “proportionate.” That is, design some rocketry similarly incontrollable to the Qassams and fire them willy-nilly at populated Gaza areas. Same for mortar shells and Katyusha-equivalent missiles. One for one exactly. What could be more proportionate than that?

[could you imagine the uproar if Israel sent uncontrolled (indiscriminate) rockets into Gaza? Yet that's what Gazans have been doing to Israel for years on end. Yet when Israel targets the bad guys hiding among the populace they're the ones demonized?]


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