Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Ad Council Uses Children in Horrific Global Warming Commercials

he non-profit organization Ad Council has not only decided to take on the most recent liberal bogeyman known as anthropogenic global warming, but do so by using young children.

In its current ads, a young girl is actually about to be hit by a train to disgracefully demonstrate that our inaction today will kill our children tomorrow. In another, kids imitate ticking clocks as they list the predicted climate change horrors of massive heat waves, severe droughts, and devastating hurricanes.

I don't know about you, but irrespective of my position on this issue, I find using children in this fashion to be indefensible and way over the line of decency.

How 'bout you?

[tell 'em (email form): http://www.adcouncil.org/contactus.aspx ]


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