Thursday, February 28, 2008

Which part of this Scientific paper did Government Advisors Not read?

Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change

After a careful study of the claims made by James Hansen in his testimony to the Select Committee of Energy Independence and Global Warming of the US House of Representatives, we find that much of what he contends is contradicted by real-world observations.

Although Hansen speaks of a sea level rise this century measured in meters, due to “the likely demise of the West Antarctic ice sheet,” the most recent and comprehensive review of potential sea level rise due to contributions arising from the wastage of both the Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets suggests a century-long rise of only 35 millimeters, based on the results of 14 satellite-derived estimates of imbalances of the polar ice sheets that have been obtained since 1998. In addition, whereas Hansen claims that the rate of sea level rise is accelerating, century-scale data sets indicate that the mean rate-of-rise of the global ocean has either not accelerated at all over the latter part of the 20th century or has actually slowed.

[and so it goes; opinion after opinion refuted by objective evidence to the contrary, including 137 specific source references for every contention - long, boring, scientific, and concluding...][snip]

As a result of our analysis of Hansen’s testimony, we find very little evidence to justify his policy prescriptions for dealing with what he calls a “dangerous climate change,” but we find significant evidence for an impending world food supply-and-demand problem that may well prove even more devastating to the biosphere - including both humanity and “wild nature” - than what Hansen contends will occur in response to business-as-usual anthropogenic CO2 emissions.

[highly recommended > the single-paragraph Introductory Remarks concerning the state of scientific inquiry on this topic if nothing else... ]


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