Wednesday, February 6, 2008

What America's declining casualties reveal

The dramatic decline in US casualties in Iraq has been one the great untold story of recent months. [snip] a young American male would have been safer in Iraq than in some of America's inner cities.

Given the circumstances this is not what one would expect. [snip] the number of casualties a foreign force takes usually grows as conflicts of this nature drag on. Secondly, a number of factors would appear to make Iraq the ideal place for insurgency...
The insurgency has also been well backed by the jihad's financiers who consider Iraq the central battlefield in their cause. Finally, the insurgency has been receiving steady state support from Iran and Syria in the form of weapons, materiel and advisors.

When an insurgency that is so favored ends up as ineffective as the one in Iraq today, there can only be one reason for it: this may come as a shock to some, but our low casualty rate clearly shows that the Iraqi people have taken the side of America and that on a mass scale.


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