Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Our Balkans Error

Demonstrations and riots on Serbia's border with northern Kosovo — which Serbs consider to be their nation's heartland — have caused NATO forces in the area to seal off the border. Fearing violence, the EU has withdrawn 2,000 officials there. This leaves NATO facing a very ugly decision, and soon: Use force to prevent an escalation of the rioting and anger by Serbs, who feel betrayed by Europe and the U.S., or stand back and let it happen.

The removal of European Union officials from Kosovo, the newly independent former Serbian province, is bad news. Trouble is on the way, and once again the U.S. may be asked to clean up the mess. Supporting a Muslim separatist movement within Europe strikes us as a fool's errand, one that could lead to similar uprisings around the world from aggrieved minorities...


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