Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Oops, Biofuels Actually Make Global Warming Worse …

Reporting what global warming skeptics have been saying for years, several media outlets on Friday acknowledged that biofuel production could do more harm than good when it comes to 'fighting' "global warming."

Two new scientific studies suggest clearing land to produce biofuel ingredients will contribute more to warming than sticking with fossil fuels because of the removal of carbon-consuming trees for farmland. The findings "could force policymakers in the United States and Europe to reevaluate incentives they have adopted to spur production of ethanol-based fuels," The Washington Post's Juliet Eilperin reported February 8.

That's not a shock to anyone who's been paying attention. Biofuel has been criticized as an inefficient pollutant that negatively affects even grocery prices. The shocker is that some few in the American media are actually paying attention to it.

[forget it - there's too much money involved to let science interfere - if policy changes it will be because voters forced the issue. Et tu?...]


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