Friday, February 8, 2008

MSM Gives Brady Gun Banners The Stage


Recently, the anti-Second Amendment group, The Brady campaign to Prevent gun Violence, came out with another of their "scorecards" where they rank states according to how bad or good gun laws there are -- according to their anti-gun reckoning, of course. Upon its release, the MSM warmed up its anti-gun machine and began touting this "scorecard" as if it were gospel. Headlines blared how "good" a state was because it restricted guns or how "bad" it was if it ranked as a state with fewer restrictions on guns according to Brady. Of course, all this assumes straight out that this Brady organization "scorecard" is the correct view of guns, that being that all guns are bad. Period.

I will feature two of those stories to show the point, here. One is from the Columbus Dispatch, Columbus, Ohio. The second is a story from the News-Times, Danbury, Connecticut. The first laments that its state ranks "low," in scores and the other happily touts that its state is "third-best."



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