Monday, December 17, 2007

WaPo Ignores Republican Criticism of Lack of Drilling in Energy Bill

Washington Post staffers Jonathan Weisman and Steven Mufson gave readers of the December 7 paper an article on a "comprehensive [?] energy bill" that passed the House of Representatives without delving into Republican criticism that the bill lacks any provision to produce or procure more energy domestically, such as from interior and off-shore natural gas and oil reserves.

Weisman and Mufson noted in the lede that the bill will raise "fuel-efficiency standards" and "require increased use of renewable energy sources", but chose to share none of House Minority Leader John Boehner that the measure is a "no-energy" bill because it doesn't open any new U.S. acreage to oil and natural gas drilling, and will only raise, not lower, energy costs.

In the Washington Post front pager, not once do the words "drilling" or "natural gas" occur.

[the story is as 'comprehensive' as the bill - meanwhile, while we wait for the corn to grow, Saudi Arabia and Iran spend their petro dollars on what?]

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