Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Lakota Indians Announce Secession from United States

A group claiming to represent the Lakota (aka Teton, Tetonwan) people, part of the Sioux, announces via press release their independence from the United States. A Lakota delegation on Monday delivered a statement of "unilateral withdrawal" from the United States to the U.S. State Department in Washington.

"We are now a free country and independent of the United States of America," Means said in a telephone interview. "This is all completely legal." Means said anyone could live in the Lakota Nation, tax free, as long as they renounced their U.S. citizenship. The nation would issue drivers licenses and passports, but each community would be independent. "It will be the epitome of individual liberty, with community control," Means said.

To make his case, Means cited a recent nonbinding U.N. resolution on the rights of indigenous people. He thinks there will be international pressure. "If the U.S. violates the law, the whole world will know it," Means said.

It doesn't take a lot of imagination to see harmonic convergence looming in the fantasies of the international left. Their publicity campaign is coming. It deserves to be laughed away - but won't be. There is a vast industry of activist groups, NGOs, financial interests and governments which will love this "cause." Imagine the potential for "solidarity"! The nation state is the primary rival of the forces of supranational organizations like the EU, UN, and others of 'world governance'.

The news was picked up eagerly overseas (e.g., Radio Netherlands, U.K. Telegraph, AFP and Malaysia Sun ) faster than at home, although USA Today and local/regional media like the Rapid City Journal had coverage that went beyond PR transcription.

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