Wednesday, November 21, 2007

CA Paper: Want a New Gas Tax? Call it a 'Fee' to Fool Voters

The Contra Costa Times has given us an interesting new angle to fool the voters into voting for a new gasoline tax in an article titled, "Calling gas tax a 'fee' may help at ballot." The CCTimes is advising politicians to call the tax hike a "fee" instead of a tax to fool the voters into accepting it at the ballot box.

Throughout this piece is the obvious assumption that the county governments in and around San Francisco are "cash-starved" and that these taxes are needed because it is important that the governments "look for new funding" for roads and to "curb global warming."
Not a hint that these governments have wasted the money they are already confiscating from the citizens, nor any investigation why some of the highest taxes in the country have not been able to satisfy the needs there. Instead of an investigation into government mismanagement and waste, the CCTimes is trying to find sneakier ways to steal the taxpayer's income by "semantics" and wordplay.

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