Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Will We Be Fooled Again?
America's 'leaders' are trying to make us believe that the greatest threat to this country is a man by the name of Julian Assange.
Our government officials tell us that Assange's act somehow poses a threat to our national security by undermining America's foreign policy.
The regime will try to deflect attention from itself by directing the anger of the American people at a little Australian programmer.
They will claim that Julian Assange represents a mortal peril and that he must stopped and perhaps even killed. Do not fall for this. Such claims are absurd and preposterous.
Let's not get suckered here. Rather than being angry at the straw man set up by the administration, let's turn our sight to the real culprits - the so-called leaders and politicians who are liars, schemers, crooks, egomaniacs, and incompetents.
The ruling elites will try to play on our patriotic feelings in order to save their skins. Contrary to what you will hear from them, WikiLeaks' disclosures are not a threat to America. But they are an immense threat to those running America while lying to us on a daily basis.
It's important that we not be fooled this time around...
[I.e., we're now to believe that x-rays that expose cancer are what's bad, and not the disease they illuminate.]
NYT Drops ClimateGate-era 'Ethics' Qualms, Publishes Scores of WikiLeaks Docs
The New York Times has taken an admirable stand on the potentially-criminal release of diplomatic cables by the online "whistleblowers" at WikiLeaks. Said one Times reporter: "
The documents appear to have been acquired illegally and contain all manner of private information and statements that were never intended for the public eye, so they won't be posted here."
Oh, wait. That wasn't in reference to the WikiLeaks documents. That was the Times's former environmental blogger Andy Revkin discussing the so-called ClimateGate emails.

And so we get another glimpse of the amazing depths of the Gray Lady's hypocrisy...
Debt crisis escalates in Europe; fears grow about Spain
... The draining confidence in Western Europe's weakest economies threatened to upend bond markets, destabilize the euro and drag out the global economic recovery if it is not quickly contained...
.New research shows that the European Union's (EU) "20/20/20" policy, which aims to cut greenhouse gas emissions to 20 percent below 1990 levels by 2020 (and ensure 20 percent renewable energy), will cost hundreds of billions of dollars but yield no benefits. The United Kingdom alone will be hit to the tune of an annual $44 billion...
At Cancun, 'Climate Change Experts' Call for End to Developed World Economic Growth for 'The Next 20 Years'
This would be really funny if it weren't for the fact that so many supposedly informed people, including our president and those who surround him, may actually buy into ideas being proposed at the United Nations-sponsored Cancun climate conference, and will relish the means by which they could be put into place...
POLL: 48% Oppose U.N. Involvement in Offshore Drilling Debate
. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds, in fact, that nearly half (48%) of Adults oppose involvement by the United Nations in future decisions about offshore drilling. Thirty-seven percent (37%) think U.N. involvement is a good idea, but another 16% aren’t sure...
The EPA's Anti-Prosperity Agenda
On Labor Day, President Obama pledged to
“keep fighting every single day, every single hour, every single minute to turn this economy around and put people back to work.”If job creation is such an overarching priority, the president might take a closer look at the recent barrage of job-suffocating actions from his Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
The president might also look at Texas, where job creation and environmental improvement have occurred simultaneously and at a pace far above the national average...
Voters Fear Too Much Government 'Help' For Economy
Despite continuing concerns about the economy, most voters still worry that the federal government will do too much in trying to turn things around...
Dean: Government Should Pick Guests on Fox & MSNBC Because Ignorant Americans Don’t Know What’s Going On
Yes, he really said that...
NYT: Tea Party is Wrong - Americans Want Higher Taxes and More Spending
There are times when one has to think the Manhattan building that is the home of the New York Times doesn't have any windows, doesn't have any television sets, and doesn't have any doors that allow employees to venture out and actually see what's happening in America beyond the walls of 620 Eighth Avenue...
[But its musings are dutifully reported by over 600 TV stations with direct newsfeeds from it.]
Turning the Department of Justice into the Department of Agendas
One of the signal and fundamental principles of a successful democracy is the rule of law. No one is exempt, it is applied fairly and it refuses the intrusion of politics or selective application of the law.
That’s the way it is supposed to be.
Unfortunately that’s not the way it is, at least for the moment....
Why Won’t the Media Cover the Black Panther Scandal?
.Poet Ogden Nash knew the score: …if called by a panther, don’t anther. And that’s exactly what America’s liberal agenda-setting media has done. It has not answered the ''New'' Black Panther’s call daring it to report on voter intimidation by two paramilitary dressed Panthers, one of whom was brandishing a club, outside a Philadelphia polling place in 2008.
Bartle Bull, a former civil rights lawyer and publisher of the leftist The Village Voice, a paper in which I have been published, said it’s
''the most blatant form of voter intimidation I’ve ever seen.''
Should Bob Schieffer Have Asked Eric Holder About The DOJ/Black Panther Case?
Dems Say Debate in U.S. Congress to Go Beyond Bush Tax Cuts
Senator Dick Durbin of Illinois, the senate’s No. 2 Democrat, said negotiations over extending the Bush-era tax cuts also will include prolonging their spending programs and other tax credits...
Lost decade: The new threat to the U.S. economy
The risk of a double-dip recession is getting a lot of attention, but even that grim prediction could prove a little too optimistic. Disappointing job reports, weakness in housing and consumer spending and problems in world financial markets have raised concerns about the U.S. economy stalling out later this year.
Now some economists are starting to talk about an even worse fate: a prolonged period of very weak growth, a so-called "lost decade"...
How to avoid Japan's economic mistakes
.It's hard to remember now that in the 1980s Japan had the world's most-admired economy. It would, people widely believed, achieve the highest living standards and pioneer the niftiest technologies. Nowadays, all we hear are warnings not to repeat Japan's mistakes that resulted in a "lost decade" of economic growth.
Japan's economic eclipse shows the limited power of economic stimulus and the exaggerated threat of modest deflation. There is no substitute for vigorous private-sector job creation and investment, and that's been missing in Japan.
This is a lesson we should heed...
Spending millions on signs advertising spending on Obama's economic recovery programs
.. You may have noticed that the government has come up with the idea of posting project signs to show your $787 billion of hard-earned future tax money at work. Even if you no longer are at work because the national unemployment rate that was supposed to be capped at 8% by the spending is now 9.5% (higher west of the Mississippi).
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
ACORN Executive Pleads No Contest To Election Fraud Conspiracy
ACORN executive Amy Busefink has pleaded "no contest" to conspiracy to commit voter registration fraud in Nevada, the Las Vegas Review-Journal is reporting. Sentencing is set for Jan. 10. Busefink ran the 2010 national voter drive for ACORN's notorious subsidiary, Project Vote, which was President Obama's employer in 1992. ACORN, which filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy on Election Day to escape its debts, is also charged with multiple counts of the same crime in Nevada...
New nutrition rules may be no party for students
The cake, cookies and candy at the school parties you might remember will become a no-no if the state approves new nutrition guidelines. Parent organizers would have to pick just one sweet treat per party and will be encouraged to order anything else from a menu of healthy snacks from their district's food services department. "I'm frustrated to hear that (the state) felt like they'd have to do that," said Michelle Sierk of Hempfield, president of the parent-teacher organization at West Point Elementary near Greensburg. The group already encourages parents to find creative ways to limit sugary snacks...
George W. Bush: waterboarding saved London from attacks
George W. Bush has claimed that information extracted from terrorist suspects by “waterboarding” saved British lives by preventing attacks on Heathrow and Canary Wharf. In an exclusive interview with The Times, the former US President offered a vigorous defence of the coercive interrogation technique: “Three people were waterboarded and I believe that decision saved lives.” He denied that waterboarding, which simulates drowning, amounted to torture. Asked if he authorised the use of waterboarding to get information from the captured al-Qaeda leader Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, he was unequivocal: “Damn right!”
Big, evil industries funded…which party?
Now that election 2010 is over, let’s go back over to OpenSecrets and look at which evil corporations stole our democracy and bought Congress for the Republicans — the RepubliCorp! First suspect: the military-industrial complex! * Defense Contractors: 55% Democrat, 44% Republican ($18 million) Oh, really? Oh. Well, even if Wall Street as a whole preferred Democrats, it must have been the real bad guys, those risky Hedge funds and exotic investors… Hedge Funds: 53% Democrat, 46% Republican ($6.8 million total) Venture Capital: 64% Democrat, 40% Republican ($6.4 million)...
McConnell fights GOP earmark ban
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell is maneuvering behind the scenes to defeat a conservative plan aimed at restricting earmarks, setting up a high-stakes showdown that pits the GOP leader and his “Old Bull” allies against Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) and a new breed of conservative senators. In a series of one-on-one conversations with incoming and sitting senators, McConnell is encouraging his colleagues to keep an open mind and not to automatically side with DeMint, whose plan calls on Senate Republicans to unilaterally give up earmarks in the 112th Congress...
Michele Bachmann loses a Tea Party vote for GOP post
A libertarian icon who helped inspire the Tea Party movement won't be supporting Rep. Michele Bachmann's bid to be in the House Republican leadership.Rep. Ron Paul, father of newly elected Kentucky senator Rand Paul, is backing Rep. Jeb Hensarling for chairman of the House Republican Conference, the party's No. 4 leadership post. The senior Paul and Hensarling are both Texans. Bachmann, from Minnesota, founded the Tea Party Caucus in Congress.
How Do California and the Titanic Differ?
. What's the difference between California voters and the passengers on the Titanic? The passengers on the Titanic didn't vote to hit the iceberg. |