Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Best of 2010: Media Scolded Americans as Anti-Islamic, Anti-Immigrant Bigots
Condemning everyday Americans as racist, anti-immigrant Islamophobes was a favorite media theme in 2010...
Polls showed most Americans supported Arizona's effort to curb illegal immigration and opposed building an Islamic center near the site of the destroyed World Trade Center towers — but on both scores the media elite stacked their coverage against the public...
NYT Paints Fairy Tale Caricature of Obama
How on earth do you not challenge a statement like this?
“He doesn’t crave the spotlight the way some of these other presidents have. They needed to be constantly in the eye of the public; it propelled them into politics in the first place. Obama is less that way; he is more of a self-contained person, someone who can genuinely spend time by himself with his family.”READ MORE
111th Congress Added More Debt Than First 100 Congresses Combined: $10,429 Per Person in U.S.
The federal government has accumulated more new debt--$3.22 trillion ($3,220,103,625,307.29)—during the tenure of the 111th Congress than it did during the first 100 Congresses combined, according to official debt figures published by the U.S. Treasury.
The total national debt of $13,858,529,371,601.09 (or $13.859 trillion), as recorded by the U.S. Treasury at the close of business on Dec. 22, now equals $44,886.57 for every man, woman and child in the United States...
Ryan Debt Plan is Better Choice
“As early as 2025, federal revenue will barely be enough to pay for Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and interest on our national debt,” ...
“With spending structurally outpacing revenue, something clearly needs to be done to avert national bankruptcy.”
Re-evaluating Free Trade With China
Although China is called a major trading partner, it treats U.S. companies like suckers, cheating them coming and going. China even intimidates U.S. businessmen so they don't dare to criticize China's unfair trade tactics. ...
Rwanda's Economic Miracle
It must puzzle Rwandans to watch the loud squabbling between and within America’s political parties over keeping old tax cuts for just two more years. (Snip) During a four-day visit here, I found that the enthusiastic consensus for pursuing the free-market path out of poverty resembled an Amish barn-raising. Rather than practicing the class warfare that cripples America, Rwandans are pulling together to become prosperous.
“What Rwanda has to offer is really a vision for the private sector,”[A vision the US evidently need now import.]
Euro-Freedom Watch
.With little fanfare, the EU adopted new legislation this week that makes “certain forms and expressions of racism and xenophobia” criminal offenses -- and allows individual EU nations to prosecute the citizens of other nations for those offenses.
And no, it’s not European anti-Americanism that’s being targeted by the xenophobia provisions. Advocates of free speech in Europe are quite clear that what the new law will criminalize is analytical, factual, or hortatory discussion of Islam or Sharia...
War in Afghanistan: A 'breeze of change' blows in Helmand
This is the 10th Christmas that UK forces have spent looking out on to Afghanistan's seemingly untamed landscape. But while no one is clamouring to say it--there have been too many false dawns--there is a feeling in the air that, as yet another year of the campaign comes to a close, a corner has been turned...
West Bank Shows There Is a Military Solution to Terror
The “expert” report Max cited yesterday, which declared Afghanistan unwinnable even while acknowledging progress in the war, reflects a broader problem: the claim that “there is no military solution to terror” has become virtually unchallenged dogma among Western intelligentsia.
Yet Israel’s experience in the West Bank shows terrorist organizations can be defeated -- if their opponents are willing to invest the requisite time and resources...
Give Petraeus a Chance
Afghanistan isn’t Iraq, but the debate over the former sure sounds a lot like the debate over the latter. Once again, David Petraeus is overseeing a surge to rescue a failing war effort, and once again a legion of critics isn't waiting to see if he will succeed. ..
9-11 Ring A Bell? Donny Doesn't Remember Why We Went Into Afghanistan
How clueless can a guy who lives in Manhattan possibly be?
Discussing the Afghanistan war on Morning Joe, Donny Deutsch claimed "people weren't clear why we were there in the first place."
Uh, Donny . . .
The end of middle America? Working class white families are unraveling before our eyes
Foreclosures, plant closings, offshored jobs, underwater mortgages, miserable rates of unemployment, stagnating incomes: Is there any end to the woes of the struggling American middle? Apparently not, because now comes news of a trend guaranteeing trouble ahead for the more than half of the nation that make up the moderately educated and moderately earning middle — even if the economy improves.
That seismic shift, outlined in a new report from the National Marriage Project and the Institute for American Values, is towards more divorce, more out of wedlock births and, ipso facto, fewer kids with a hopeful future...
Only NBC Notes Unveiling of New Reagan Postage Stamp
Nancy Reagan on hand today at the unveiling of the stamp that will mark the centennial anniversary of her husband's birth. The Ronald Reagan stamp goes on sale February 10th, just days after what would have been the former President's 100th birthday.
Of the broadcast network evening newscasts, only NBC, which has a deal to host a Republican presidential debate through MSNBC at the library, made note of the occasion.
Obama's regulators kowtow to Big Green, imperil economy
Who's doing the most to hobble the productive power of the U.S. economy, Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Lisa Jackson or Department of the Interior Secretary Ken Salazar?
President Obama's top two Cabinet appointees on environmental issues are running neck and neck in their race to see who can issue the most job-killing, growth-suffocating bureaucratic edicts.
Regardless of who "wins" their contest, of course, the losers will be the rest of us. We will have to endure long-term double-digit unemployment, skyrocketing energy and utility costs, and the loss of individual freedom that inevitably accompanies the growth of government regulation...
What the Election Means
Under President Obama, federal spending has increased 25 percent, the national debt has swelled to almost $15 trillion and Obamacare will control 17 percent of the U.S. economy...
Brown to eliminate state Office of Inspector General
"After announcing that Brown was closing her doors, Chick said the Capitol needs more oversight, not less. She complained that her efforts to shine a light on wasteful spending in Sacramento have been stymied by entrenched bureaucrats more interested in preserving their power than in ensuring public accountability. 'The state is not run by elected officials; it's run by very powerful, very knowledgeable civil servants,' Chick said, adding: 'Things don't change unless they want them to.'"
[The left's definition of transparency - wherever did they get the misguided notion?]
Mythbusting the 'rich don't pay enough taxes' lie
Taxing the rich at a high rate doesn't increase government revenue...
Taxes trigger a Texodus in New York
The Lone Star State is scooping up more than just our congressional seats -- some $846 million in personal income shifted from New York to Texas in an eight-year period during the last decade, according to an analysis of IRS tax returns.Texas, which has no state or local income taxes and an enviably low cost of living, has been steadily poaching New Yorkers since the '90s...
Britain's Left Are Panicking
London's descent into anarchy over a rise in university tuition fees shows just how deeply the entire leftist enterprise relies on its takeover of the university system...
Feds Should Flunk Out of Education
There's been essentially no change in high school math achievement for nearly the last four decades...
Book Review: Dupes Reveals Communist Influence on Hollywood
Communism is responsible for more deaths in the 20th Century than both world wars, yet liberals have defended it for decades. A new book by Grove City College professor Paul Kengor – Dupes – documents this, showing how Communists used liberals to further their efforts in the U.S. This book masterfully documents dupes in the U.S. from the Hill to Hollywood...
Despite 'Erin Brockovich' Bluster, Calif. Town Shows Below-average Cancer Rates
Julia Roberts may have been crowned best actress in 2000 for her performance in (and as) "Erin Brockovich", but the film did what politically-loaded Hollywood products often do: it distorted the facts, and may have done more harm than good to the town of Hinkley, CA.
The film followed Brockovich as she led a class-action suit against Pacific Gas & Electric for releasing hexavalent chromium, or chromium 6, a cancer-causing toxin, into the water supply in Hinkley. PG&E eventually went to arbitration, and awarded a record-$333 million in damages to residents of the town.
But now, 10 years after Roberts's award-winning performance, and 17 years after the actual suit, cancer rates in Hinkley are unremarkable. In fact, they are lower than would normally be expected...
Loser Pays, Everyone Wins
Texas Governor Rick Perry is proposing a British-style "loser pays" rule, which would require plaintiffs to pick up the legal costs of their targets if they lose their suits...
[Common sense.]